
Sunday, August 24, 2014

What a Great First Week!

I can truly say that we have had an absolutely fantastic first week of school. We have been mastering our procedures, organizing supplies, getting to know one another, and learning all about The 7 Habits of Happy Kids. We have also spent a lot of time building our classroom community.  Students have created a list of ideas which demonstrate what our classroom should look and sound like.  This week students will take that information and create a Class Constitution. I am very excited about our Class Constitution and can't wait to see what the students come up with!   Just a few reminders -

1.  Please be sure to sign and return any papers that were sent home in your child's green communication folder.

2.  Check the sidebar of the blog for each week's Curriculum Connections, Important Dates, and Class Schedule.

I am looking forward to our first full week of school!