
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Chromebooks and Responsible Use Procedures

This week students will be issued their Chromebooks! I am super excited about this as I have lots of things planned which require the use of Chromebooks. In order for your child to be issued his/her Chromebook, you will need to sign the Responsible Use Procedures. This will need to be done through the district's Infosnap system.

Richland School District Two sent out an email to parents of all returning students about the new Infosnap system in early August. This system updates and collects the information about each student enrolled in schools and this process replaces the paper forms sent home at the beginning of each school year. 

The Infosnap system is now the only way to sign the Responsible Use Procedures or RUPOnly students with an electronically signed/accepted RUP on file will be able to be issued a Chromebook as part of the 1TWO1 computing program. New students that were enrolled this school year using the Infosnap system have the RUP completed as part of their registration.

If you have checked for an email from the district and don’t find one, you will need to bring a picture ID to campus to receive your missing snap code from the front office staff. If you have not done this, please do so as soon as possible! We will have Chromebook training Wednesday, September 3rd.